Cosmetic Dental Reasons to Get Dental Bonding

Dental Bonding Brooklyn, NY

Getting dental bonding can be a good way to improve your smile. It can be hard to know the right time to get it, however. The right way to determine if you are a candidate for it is to have an appointment with your dentist. Keep reading to find out more about a few cosmetic reasons why you should choose dental bonding.

About dental bonding

This procedure can be done to enhance a patient’s smile. This is needed if there are spaces, cracks, or chips in the teeth. These cause many people to feel bad about their smiles. With bonding, composite resin material is used to match to the existing teeth.

The material is shaped and blended to look like the natural teeth. Then an ultraviolet light is used to cure it. This can last for as long as 10 years without needing to be replaced. With the right care, patients can extend the life of dental bonding.

Reasons to have dental bonding

This is more of a cosmetic procedure. The main goal is to restore and enhance the smile. Knowing what bonding can fix or cover is important for patients to understand if this is the right procedure. There are several cosmetic reasons why bonding might be used.

First, it can cover cracks and chips in the teeth. Those might be caused by accidents or biting into hard foods. Gaps and spaces can also be covered up. Gaps might be caused by genetics, and because some patients have not had orthodontic treatment. Uneven teeth can also be changed with bonding and shorter teeth can be lengthened. Discoloration and stains are easily hidden under the composite resin in bonding.

Who is a good candidate for dental bonding?

This procedure is non-invasive, and it usually does not require any anesthesia. Because of that, it is a good option for those who want to enhance their smile. It can correct small issues that might otherwise need to have a lot of treatment or repair. Before doing bonding, the dentist will do a consultation with the patient. An examination will be done to see if this procedure is a good idea.

What to expect with bonding

The area that will be bonded will be prepared first. A dental liquid will be used for this so that the resin can adhere to the area better. Then the composite resin will be placed on the area and smoothed out. The material will match the teeth so that it can blend in better. Once the material is shaped to the tooth, the dentist will use a hardening light to cure it. That will help it to set faster.

Choose dental bonding today

Dental bonding is a quick procedure that will take no more than 30 minutes to an hour in most cases. It can be done comfortably in the dentist’s office. If you want to know more about dental bonding or want to learn about it, your dentist can help you. You can have a consultation and a dental exam.

Request an appointment here: or call MG Dental at (718) 416-6444 for an appointment in our Brooklyn office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Bonding in Brooklyn, NY.

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